The moment I saw her walking over to me I knew I was in trouble. The twinkle in her eye and the mischievous smile like she had done something terrible that no one else knew about caught me completely off guard. My palms were sweating and to say I was tongue tied would be an understatement.
I usually can’t shut my mouth to save my life and often am the loudest person in the room, but I could find no words and hear nothing else but her voice. I knew the moment I met her she was the one. Waiting even a day to see her again would be too long.
The rest of my life began that fateful day. I can’t wait to see what’s still to come……
We originally met at a work event. He walked into the room and in that moment I knew I had to introduce myself. I'd never felt so attracted to anyone without getting to know them. I know this might sound cringey but it was love at first sight.
He asked me what I did for a living and obviously I told him. He replied, "I've always said to myself who am I gonna call" and in milliseconds I responded, "Ghostbusters". We laughed and right away I knew I needed to know this beautiful soul.
Months after this encounter, he found the courage to ask me out on a date and that is where our story began....